Best Way to Take Notes To Remember More From Class

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The choice between writing notes by hand or typing them on a computer can depend on personal preferences and learning styles. Here are some considerations to help you make an informed decision:

Writing notes by hand:

Enhanced memory and comprehension: Research suggests that taking notes by hand can promote better memory retention and understanding of the material. The physical act of writing engages different parts of the brain and can aid in information processing.

Active engagement: Writing notes manually requires active engagement with the material. It encourages you to summarize, rephrase, and organize information, promoting deeper understanding and better retention.

Flexibility and customization: Handwritten notes allow for more flexibility in formatting, drawing diagrams, and adding personal annotations. This customization can help you organize and connect information in a way that suits your learning style.

Typing notes on a computer:

Speed and efficiency: Typing is generally faster than writing by hand. If the lecture or class involves a lot of information or fast-paced delivery, typing can help you keep up and capture more content.

Organization and searchability: Digital notes can be easily organized and searched, making it convenient to find specific information later. With the ability to use headings, bullet points, and digital tools for highlighting and color-coding, it can be easier to structure and review your notes.

Accessibility and backup: Storing notes digitally allows for easy access from various devices. You can also back up your notes in cloud storage or online platforms, reducing the risk of losing or misplacing them.

Ultimately, the choice depends on what works best for you. Some people may find that handwriting notes enhances their focus and comprehension, while others may prefer the speed and organization of digital note-taking. Experiment with both methods to determine which one helps you better understand, retain, and review the material effectively. Additionally, combining handwritten and digital notes can be a viable option, as it allows you to reap the benefits of both approaches.
study tips, study skills, note taking
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