English Christian Song | "The Most Meaningful Life"

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English Christian Song | "The Most Meaningful Life"

China is the most backward of all countries;
it's the land where the great red dragon lies coiled,
it has the most idol-worshipers, sorcerers, and it has the most temples;
it's a place where filthy demons live.
You were born of it,
you have been educated by it and steeped in its influence;
you have been corrupted and tortured by it,
but after being awoken you rebel against it
and are completely gained by God.
This is God's glory,
and this is why this stage of work has great significance.
God has done work of such great scale and spoken so many words,
He will fully gain you in the end—
this is part of the work of His management,
and you are the "victory spoils" of God's battle with Satan.
The more you understand the truth and the better your life of the church is,
the more the great red dragon is brought to its knees.
These are all matters of the spiritual realm—
they are the battles of the spiritual realm,
and when God is victorious,
Satan shall be shamed and it shall fall down.
This stage of God's work has tremendous significance.
God does work on such a grand scale
and saves this group of people
so you can escape from the influence of Satan,
live in the holy land, live in God's light,
and have the light's leadership and light's guidance.
Then there is meaning to your life.
You can have the light's leadership and light's guidance.
Then there is meaning to your life.
You are a created being—you should of course worship God
and pursue a life of meaning, pursue a life of meaning.
Since you are a human being, you should expend yourself for God
and endure all suffering, endure all suffering!
You should gladly and assuredly accept
the little suffering you're subjected to today
and live a meaningful life, like Job and Peter,
like Job and Peter.
You are people who pursue the right path,
those who seek improvement.
You are people who rise up in the nation of the great red dragon,
those whom God calls righteous.
Is that not the most meaningful life, the most meaningful life?

from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Practice (2)

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