Holy Eucharist for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 1, 2023

25 Vues
The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan, Corvallis Oregon
Holy Eucharist, Rite 2 for the Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Celebrants - The Rev. Daniel Warren
Preacher - The Rev. Daniel Warren
Deacon - The Rev. Ruth Krueger
O.T. Lector - De'sire'evSenechal
N.T. Lector - Bil Trudeau
Prayers for the People - Rex Cole
Eucharistic Ministers - Steve Blevans, John Wells
Acolyte - Rebecca Jackson
Music Director & Organist - Zachary Duell
Soprano Soloist - Dr. Renee Pearson
Oboist - Monica Roundy
Sanctuary Choir: Noah Krueger, Emmie Parker, Dr. Renee Pearson, Gail Wells, Mary Stone-Moursund, Sharon Strong, Michele Justice, Dr. Terri Homer, Dom Williams, Paul Vecchi, Liam Warner, Kyle Ward, Peter Klammer, Andrew Moursund, John Wells

Videographers - Keith Dunlap, Matt Philpott & Jeff Simpson

Link to the bulletin: https://goodsamchurch-episcopal.org/wp-content/uploads/Bulletin-October-1-Rite-2.pdf
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