NECC – Worship Service - 2024.03.03

11 Vues
INTROIT: “Improvisational Perspectives on ‘All My Hope on God is Founded’ “     Marsha Foxgrover
Found on p. 88 in the Chalice Hymnal, the text set to the tune "Neander" states:  "All My Hope on God is Founded, who does still my trust renew.  Safe through change and chance God guides me, ever faithful, ever true. God unknown, God alone, seeks to claim my
heart as home."
PRELUDE: “Prelude” Robert deVisee (c1655-1732)
DeVisee was a master composer and performer for the courts of Louis XIV and Louis XV. A theorbist and guitarist, DeVisee published twelve
suites for guitar and several independent works for both instruments.
HYMN: #56 “For the Beauty of the Earth” (last verse in unison) Conrad Kocher (1786-1872)

JOY RINGERS: “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know” trad. 19thc spiritual, arr. Larsen

ANTHEM: “Total Praise” Richard Smallwood (1948-2024), arr. Burnett/Rao
Richard Smallwood, recently deceased, is noted as one of the premier representatives of a group of composers who combined their skills in writing
contemporary classical ‘art’ music with gospel styles.

HYMN: #179 “ Forty Days and Forty Nights“ (last verse in unison) attr. Martin Herbst (1654-1681)

OFFERTORY: "Were You There"                                                        Dale Wood (1934-2003)
The lectionary for today states in I Corinthians 1: 18-25: "For the message of the cross is to those of us who are being saved it is the power of
God."  The text to this African-American spiritual asks the questions, "Were you there when they crucified my Lord...when they pierced him in the
side...when they nailed him to the tree...when they laid him in the tomb...when he rose up from the dead.. "  The setting by Dale Wood is mostly
contemplative, reserving the music for the resurrection later in Holy Week.  He uses the melodic motif of the upward 4th to begin the work,
followed by two stanzas of verse melody.

COMMUNION: a) "Communion" Charles Gounod (1818-1893)
 One of Gounod's ten organ works, this contemplative work was perhaps written for the pedal piano, because of the low pedal notes.  While
listening to this music, one may contemplate on the Lectionary text as found in I Cor 1:18-25.
b) “Here I Am Lord” John-Michael Talbot (b. 1954); arr. Foxgrover

HYMN: #422 “Let Our Hearts and Tongues Employ“ Fred Kaan (1929-2009) ; Jamaican folk melody

POSTLUDE: Psalm 19                                                     Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739)

All selections are used with permission for broadcast, performance, or reproduction through CCS License #14394, ONE LICENSE #738377-A, by
permission of the composer, or via rights accorded due to public domain status.
The service is being livestreamed at 10:00 am and the video recording for viewing afterward will be on the New England Church YouTube site.
Use this link to access the church’s YouTube site and subscribe:


“Improvisational Perspectives on ‘All My Hope on God is Founded’“ Marsha Foxgrover (2024). ©2024 Marsha Foxgrover. All Rights
Reserved. Used with permission.
“Prelude.” Robert DeVisee (1723). Public Domain.
“For the Beauty of the Earth.” Words: Folliet S. Pierpont (1864). Music: Conrad Kocher (1838), arr. William Henry Monk (1861). Public Domain.
“Jesus Loves Me, This I Know” from "Keep It Simple 3.” African-American spiritual, arr. Lloyd Larson (2007). ©️2008 Agape
Press. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
“Total Praise.” Richard Smallwood (1996), arr. Patrick Burnett and Doreen Rao (2010). ©2010 T.Autumn Music, reprinted by Hal
Leonard Publications. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
“Forty Days and Forty Nights.” Words: George H. Smyttan (1826), alt.; Music: attr. Martin Herbst (1676). Public Domain.
“Where You There.” African-American spiritual, arr. Dale Wood (1984). ©1986 Sacred Music Press. All Rights Reserved. Used with
“Communion.” (CG 206a). Charles Gounod (1874). ©2006 Dover Publications. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
”Here I Am Lord.” John Michael Talbot (1997), arr. Marsha Foxgrover (2024). ©2024 Marsha Foxgrover. All Rights Reserved. Used with
“Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ.” Text: Fred Kaan (1975). Music: Jamaican folk melody, adapt. Doreen Potter (1975). ©1975 Hope
Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.
“Psalm 19.” Benedetto Marcello (1724). Public Domain.

All selections are used with permission for broadcast, performance, or reproduction through CCS License #14394, ONE LICENSE #738377-A, by
permission of the composer, or via rights accorded due to public domain status.
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