Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday

33 Vues
Today, we encounter the paradox that defines our faith: Jesus Christ is glorified king and humiliated servant. We too are full of paradox: like Peter, we fervently desire to follow Christ, but find ourselves afraid, denying God. We wave palms in celebration today as Christ comes into our midst, and we follow with trepidation as his path leads to death on the cross. Amid it all we are invited into this paradoxical promise of life through Christ’s broken body and outpoured love in a meal of bread and wine. We begin this week that stands at the center of the church year, anticipating the completion of God’s astounding work.

Pastor Craig Saltzer
St James Lutheran Church

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THE HOLY CITY Contributors: F. E. Weatherly, Stephen Adams Words and Music—©1943 Carl Fischer, LLC Used with permission under ONE LICENSE A-735002 All rights reserved.
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