"Unintended Consequences" (September 3, 2023)

31 Vues
September 3, 2023 service for the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City. Sermon by the Reverend Monica Dobbins.

00:00 ???? Introduction: "We Will Go Out In The World" - music by David Owens
00:58 ???? "Prelude No. 8" by Michael Valenti (American, b. 1942) - David Owens, piano
03:08 Opening Words & Chalice Lighting - Rev. Monica Dobbins
06:14 Chalice Lighting - Rev. Monica Dobbins
07:07 ???? Hymn # 349: "We Gather Together" - words by Dorothy Caiger Senghas (American, 1930-2002) & Robert E. Senghas (American, 1928-2022); music from Adrian Valerius’s Nederlandtsch Gedenckclanck (1626) - David Owens, organ
09:10 Meditation - Rev. Monica Dobbins
14:56 ???? Meditation Response: "Full Moon" by Otto Joachim (German/Canadian, 1910-2010) - David Owens, Kurzweil
17:26 Offertory - Rev. Monica Dobbins
18:08 ???? Doxology: "From All that Dwell Below the Skies"
19:14 Sermon: "Unintended Consequences" - Rev. Monica Dobbins
40:14 ???? Hymn # 300: "With Heart and Mind" - words by Alicia S. Carpenter (American, 1930-2021); music by Johann Hermann Schein (German, 1586-1630) - David Owens, organ
42:41 Benediction - Rev. Monica Dobbins
43:10 ???? Postlude: "Prelude No. 4 in D Major" Op. 23 by Sergei Rachmaninoff (Russian, 1873-1943) - David Owens, piano
45:50 Acknowledgments - Rev. Monica Dobbins
46:10 End Credits

Rev. J Sylvan, Senior Minister
Rev. Monica Dobbins, Assistant Minister
Amanda Esko, Director of Religious Education
David Owens, Director of Music
Stefanie Park, Administrator
Tristan Moore, Audiovisual Director

???? First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City
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