The Greek Orthodox celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday in Jerusalem.

16 Vues
Information about the Greek Orthodox on Easter Sunday in Jerusalem itself will be provided after this announcement.
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Your tour guide
Zahi Shaked

The Resurrection Night
The Feast of the Resurrection starts on Holy Saturday morning with the Vespers and the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great, and is completed on Resurrection night in the Most-Holy Church of the Resurrection with the Divine Liturgy in the Life-giving Holy Aedicule, where our Lord was buried and Risen from the dead. The Liturgy is celebrated by His Beatitude the Patriarch of Jerusalem with co-celebrants Archbishops of the Patriarchate, many Hagiotaphite Priests, and visiting Priests of other Orthodox Churches, and the participation of a multitude of Orthodox Christians from Greece, Cyprus, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries.

The Divine Liturgy and the participation in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is indeed a strong experience of the Cross and the Resurrection of the Lord, as well as an undeniable union with His immaculate Body and Sacred Blood. With this event the presence of the Orthodox Church in the Holy Land is displayed in meekness.

The Vespers of Agape (Vespers of Love)

The Vespers of Agape or “Second Resurrection” is celebrated on Sunday morning. Hagiotaphite Fathers gather in the Patriarchate where after embracing each other, they put on their Episcopal and Liturgical vestments and read in turns the Paschal 9th Hour, while the choir sings “Christ is Risen” and “Resurrection Day”. Consequently the glorious and formal litany begins in a procession with the Holy Icon of the Resurrection, preceding H.B. the Patriarch of Jerusalem, marching from the Patriarchate towards the Church of the Resurrection amidst a great crowd of joyful Christians and representatives of the Greek and local press. At the Church they make a Deisis (prayer) and they enter the Catholicon having first venerated the Deposition shrine and the Holy Sepulchre. At Vespers they read the Gospel narrative according to John, on the Lord’s appearance to His disciples while the doors were closed, on the first Day of His Resurrection, when He also showed them his side in the absence of Apostle Thomas. With this ceremony the circle of the feasts of the Holy Week is completed and the circle of the Pascha (Easter) Feast begins in the Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
Good Friday, Jerusalem, Easter
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